Wen-Tung Cheng, Professor
Tel:886-4-2857325;886-4-22840510 ext 709
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD., National Central University, R. O. C. (1995)
BS., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, R. O. C. (1985) 
Process Engineer & Supervisor, Chant World International Co, Ltd. (1985-1990).
Research Scientist & Project Manager, ITRI/ MRL
(1995 -1997).
Assistant Professor, National Chung Hsing University
Associate Professor, National Chung Hsing University
Professor, National Chung Hsing University (2007-)


Research Interests
Transport phenomena; Manipulation of nano-particles; Integration of material and process for electronic, optotronic, and spintronic devices
Unsteady momentum and heat transfer in advanced polymeric material process
Iron flow and heat transfer in the blast furnace hearth during tapping process
Simulation of spin coating process
Optimal design of thermal CVD process
Dispersion of organic nano-particles using supercritical fluid technology
Synthesis and self-assembly of magnetic nano-particle
Preparation of high efficient water bone color photo-resist
Formulation of high reactivity negative work color photo-resist
Kinetics of photo-polymerization in the presence of nano-particle
Preparation of UV light curable electrically conductive adhesive
Formulation of high optical density and lower electrical conductivity carbon black paste
Preparation of color electro-deposition paint
Formulation of high optical density and lower electrical conductivity black photosensitive resin


Selected Publications
W. T. Cheng and C. N. Huang, "Unsteady Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer on an Accelerating Surface with Blowing or Suction in the Absence and Presence of a Heat Source or Sink",Chemical Engineering Science ,59,771-780(2004) (SCI)
W. T. Cheng, C. W. Hsu, and Y. W. Chih, "Dispersion of organic pigments using supercriticalcarbon dioxide", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 270, 106-112 (2004) (SCI).
W. T. Cheng and H. T. Lin, "Non-similarity Solution and Correlation of Transient Heat Transfer in Laminar Boundary Layer Flow over a Wedge", International Journal of Engineering Science, 40, 531-548 (2002) (SCI).
W. T. Cheng and H. T. Lin, "Unsteady Forced Convection Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate Embedded in the Fluid-saturated Porous Medium with Inertia force and Thermal Dispersion", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 1563-1569 (2002) (SCI).
Teaching subject